What’s new from End of Lease Cleaning in Geelong ?

End of Lease Cleaning Geelong

What’s new from End of Lease Cleaning in Geelong ?

End of Lease Cleaning is comprehensive and timeless. Tenant cleaning will work until the property is completely clean and ready for the next tenant. We have cleaned hundreds of rental properties so you can be sure they did an excellent job and everyone involved will be happy with the results. The team will work until the task list is completed and the property is brought up to the required cleanliness standards. Our end of lease cleaning Geelong expert services will ensure your property looks stunning and you can choose House Cleaning Geelong with confidence with 100% bond back guarantee.

You can find the following services

Floors: All floors are adequately cleaned depending on the floor covering. If your rental agreement requires thorough mechanical carpet cleaning, you can order our professional carpet cleaning services.
Equipment Cleaning: All kitchen equipment is cleaned inside and out, including the refrigerator, freezer, stove and dishwasher.
Oven Cleaning: Professional removes all racks and pans from the oven and submerges them in a tank of strong cleaning solution. We wipe everything on the oven and clean and dry it and make it a better fresh oven.
Window Cleaning: Windows and window sills are only cleaned from the inside. If you want the outside of the window to be cleaned, please add a window cleaning service.
Bathroom: All accessible surfaces are cleaned properly, as well as the priority areas that need the most attention are hygienic and perfectly clean.

Help Homes sell faster

If you are planning to sell your home and want to move it quickly, hiring a moving cleaning service can help you present your home in the best light possible to potential buyers. Just as professionally furnishing your home with furniture and decorations can help it sell faster, a thorough cleaning of your home can only increase your chances of getting a quote. We will help to make the house look beautiful so that it will be sold more quickly.

Great for Renters

First of all, thorough cleaning of your apartment will keep your landlord or property manager happy and ensure you get your security deposit back. If you leave a dirty apartment, your landlord may use some of your deposit to hire self-cleaning services, and you may lose some if not all of your deposit. Tidy homes are easier for landlords to point out potential tenants.

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